Weed and Vegetation FAQ

Answers to common weed and vegetation management questions

Fig. 1: Japanese Knotweed

Common Weed Control and Vegetation Management Questions Answered

Many landowners may have seen our weed inspectors walking up to their driveway, or have received our Weed Watch cards (either for a weed inspection or a vegetation management heads-up) and wondered either aloud or to themselves: “what on earth does the County want now?”

Well, here are the answers to some of your most pernicious weed-related questions!

Weed Inspection FAQ

I’ve lived here for years and I’ve never had a weed inspection. When did this start?
Lac Ste. Anne County has always had a weed inspection program as required by Alberta’s Weed Control Act. Previously, we had insufficient resources to complete thorough private land inspections and the program consisted of scouting properties from the road. This resulted in pressure on some landowners to control their weeds, while other weed infestations went entirely unnoticed. Moving forward, our expanded program will become consistent with most of our neighbouring counties

Vegetation Management FAQ

What is integrated vegetation management?

Integrated Vegetation Management is the combination of chemical, mechanical, manual, and cultural weed control methods. Weed populations are living things; they are complex and ever-changing. As a result, there is no single “silver bullet” solution. To address this the County utilizes a combination of monitoring and various control methods depending on the site conditions.

An IVM program promotes compatible, desirable, stable vegetation cover that will resist invasion by invasive weeds and tall-growing tree species by using appropriate, environmentally sound, and cost-effective control methods.

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