Agriculture News

The latest updates for regional producers

Update: Weed Inspection Activities and Locations

This is a friendly reminder that the County’s annual weed inspection program to prevent the spread of noxious and prohibited noxious weeds is now underway. Agricultural Services crews plan to inspect properties in the west end of the County, working by township.

Inspection crews will exercise extreme care when entering fields to minimize any potential spread of crop issues from field to field. Precautions include the use of disposable boots and/or disinfection with a bleach solution prior to entering any field.

Some residents will have received notifications that inspections will be occurring on their properties; if you are an area producer you will likely receive this notice as well.

Agricultural Services seeks to get a head start on some weeds that are harder to control, such as Orange Hawkweed. Desired outcomes of these inspections include educating landowners, encouraging early weed control, and creating a thorough, accurate weed database. By achieving these goals, weed control becomes less expensive and more manageable for all parties. 

About the Weed Inspection Program

Each year, the County's Agricultural Services department inspects properties for different types of noxious weeds and plants that are noxious or prohibited in Alberta. Click Here to review Alberta's prohibited noxious weeds and plants.

Under Alberta's Weed Control Act, municipalities and their residents must control (prevent the spread) and eradicate noxious and prohibited noxious weeds. These weeds are either detrimental to livestock or sensitive areas, or are incredibly invasive and will out-compete native plants. Click Here to review the Weed Control Act.

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